Open Day 2023
Barrow Angling Association Trout Section Open Day 14 May 2023
With perfect fishing weather we held our Open Day at Poaka Beck. Overcast, warm, with a slight breeze and plenty of fish topping, it was a perfect day for a competition.
The comp followed an entomology presentation by Tony Riley. With a fascinating and vast array of live water creatures from Ireleth, Tony showed how to match the hatch with fly selections to represent all stages of the insect’s life. Not only did we get to listen to Tony’s interesting and vast knowledge but after the competition he also kindly provided tuition on casting.
The competition was well supported, and all anglers caught fish although by the reports more fish were lost than landed. In all there were 37 fish caught in the 2-hour match with the winner being Josh Smith who landed a staggering 17 fish to be the clear winner. Not satisfied with this tally Josh (along with other anglers), went back out on the water after the event to get in a bit more practice! Well done Josh who received an Angling & Hiking donated tackle voucher for his prize.
The event also provided a tackle bring and buy sale with plenty of items sold, including some for charity.
There was free food in the way of local butchers’ cheeseburgers and sausages backed up with hot drinks. Although, Jim Ireland, the Head Chef, had only one working leg and his Sous Chef Allen Cooke didn’t have all his fingers, they did a magnificent job in providing food throughout the event.
The turnout was really pleasing so a thank you to all of those who visited and a special thank you to all of those who helped put the event together.
It was without doubt a resounding success.
Tight lines
Barrow Angling Association